CBUA Mid-American Advanced Umpire Clinic
The CBUA 4-Umpire Evaluation Umpire Clinic, a CBUA Umpire Clinic located in Westfield, Indiana, is an elite opportunity for CBUA Members selected through an application process to showcase their umpiring abilities to NCAA Division I Conference Coordinators and some of the top NCAA post-season umpires.
The clinic is designed to identify and promote qualified umpires to higher levels of NCAA Division I baseball. Sixty applicant umpires will be selected by a group of CBUA members.
Over the weekend umpires will work High School level showcase baseball and will receive an honest evaluation of their performance in accordance with NCAA standards. Additionally, umpires will participate in classroom video breakout sessions discussing crucial areas such as replay, situation management, rules recognition and enforcement.
Last year's clinic was a major success, selling out in a matter of days with several umpires advancing their careers. If you are selected, you will need to respond quickly to reserve your spot.