We have a very good track record and our reputation speaks for itself. Over the years we have trained some of the top talent at the college level. You will see your schedule improve if you apply the things you learn at the CBUA Mid-American Advanced Umpire Clinic.

We want to give you more than just the basics of how to umpire. While we spend appropriate time on positioning, mechanics and rules, we devote quite a bit of time to helping you better understand the "ins and outs" of umpiring - the mental approach, why we do what we do, and how to advance your career the proper way. We believe in getting you to THINK like an advanced umpire as much as we believe in getting you to LOOK like an advanced umpire.
We do not claim to have all the answers...no one does. We will share with you the things that have made us successful at the professional and collegiate levels.
We are fully involved and very hands on. You will receive virtually unlimited one-on-one or small group attention to answer all of your questions.
Our approach is pretty simple: Give you your money's worth, work hard and have some fun while we are doing it.
Priority #1: Ensure your weekend is worthwhile both financially and educationally to see you leave a better umpire than when you arrived.
Priority #2: Have fun and make sure you are having fun, too. We take our jobs seriously, but we do not take ourselves seriously. You will have a good time at the CBUA Mid-American Advanced Umpire Clinic.
We don't waste your time telling meaningless "war stories" to get a laugh out of you. If we do tell a war story or two it is done in learning situations to better explain what we are discussing.